Arm Injury Information

Treatment for an arm injury may include first aid measures (such as using a brace, splint, or cast), “setting” a broken bone or returning a dislocated joint to its normal position, physical therapy, medicines, and in some cases surgery. Treatment depends on:
>The location, type, and severity of the injury.
>When the injury occurred.
>Your age, health condition, and activities (such as work, sports, or hobbies).
Call the office of Dr. Darren Keiser to set up an appointment for an Arm Injury in Omaha, Ne.
Types of Arm Injuries -Acute Arm Injury
Acute injuries come on suddenly and may be caused by a direct blow, a penetrating injury, or a fall or from twisting, jerking, jamming, or bending a limb abnormally. Pain may be sudden and severe. Bruising and swelling may develop soon after the injury. Acute injuries usually require prompt medical evaluation and may include:
> Bruises (contusions ), which occur when small blood vessels under the skin tear or rupture, often from a twist, bump, or fall. Blood leaks into tissues under the skin and causes a black-and-blue color that often turns purple, red, yellow, and green as the bruise heals.
>Injuries to the tough, ropelike fibers (ligaments) that connect bone to bone and help stabilize joints (sprains).
>Injuries to the tough, ropelike fibers that connect muscle to bone (tendons).
>Pulled muscles (strains).
>Muscle ruptures, such as a biceps or triceps rupture.
>Broken bones (fractures). A break may occur when a bone is twisted, struck directly, or used to brace against a fall. See a picture of a fractured arm.
>Pulling or pushing bones out of their normal relationship to the other bones that make up a joint (dislocations).
Types of Arm Injuries – Overuse Arm Injury
Overuse injuries occur when stress is placed on a joint or other tissue, often by “overdoing” an activity or repeating the same activity. Overuse injuries include:
>Pain and swelling of the sac of fluid that cushions and lubricates the joint area between one bone and another bone, a tendon, or the skin (bursitis).
>Pain and swelling of the tough, ropelike fibers that connect muscles to bones (tendinitis).
>Pain and swelling from tiny tears (microtears) in the connective tissue in or around the tendon (tendinosis). Other symptoms of this type of tendon injury include loss of strength or movement in the arm.
>Hairline cracks in bones of the arm (stress fractures).
>Pressure on nerves in the arm, such as carpal tunnel syndrome.